đź”® Upcoming
Here’s an incomplete list of topics I am planning to cover, not in any particular order. They may not go live for some time.
- Grass! I have many videos planned: creating a texture in Substance Designer, automatically placing grass on terrain, unlimited grass trample interaction, burning, mowing, wind patterns, and more.
- Fur!
- Water!
- Updates to my toon and outline systems, fixing a bunch of small bugs and bringing them up to date.
- A “2D Puzzle Dungeon,” or Zelda-like, game prototype.
- Platformer prototypes, eventually reproducing the character controllers from Spelunky and Mario Galaxy.
- Introduction to HLSL shaders through recreating the Universal Render Pipeline’s basic lit shader.
- Marching squares and marching cubes.
- Volumetric shaders and SDFs.